Shifting sensibilities? Changes in the symbolism and the appeal of the Crusades after the end of Outremer (Fourteenth century)
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Later Crusades, popular movements, Bianchi, penitential practices, chivalric ethosAbstract
After 1291, the crusading experience underwent considerable changes, conceptual rather than only military. Despite the loss of the direct experience of the Holy Land, however, the crusading symbolism and institutions did not disappear, but lent themselves to new uses. New goals and forms channeled the penitential expectation. The movements of the Fourteenth century, such as the Flagellants and the Bianchi, seemed to be alternative forms to the overseas crusade, inheriting similarities and symbols. Did these penitents present themselves as new crusaders? These movements had however completely disengaged themselves from the Papacy in granting indulgences and from the earthly Jerusalem. Another way to the crusade was that of the French, Burgundian and English aristocracy. For them, the participation in a crusading expedition was functional to the construction of an aristocratic ethos. After the end of the crusades, the legacy they left behind took new and unexpected paths.
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