Una giustificazione cristiana dell'astrologia. Esseri umani e corpi celesti nel Cause et cure


  • Giulia Guidara Independent Researcher




Astrology, Free-will, Idolatry


In the Middle Ages, authoritative voices of Christianity condemn astrology as a kind of idolatry that denies free will. This is the reason why, since the 12th century, the revival of interest in astrology led some thinkers to prove its compatibility with Christian faith. This paper aims to show that this issue was addressed not only by Petrus Alfonsi’s Epistola ad Peripateticos, Raymond of Marseilles’ Liber cursuum, Michael Scot’'s Liber introductorius and the anonymous Speculum Astronomiae, as already highlighted by some studies, but also by Hildegard of Bingen’s Cause et cure.


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How to Cite

Guidara, G. (2023). Una giustificazione cristiana dell’astrologia. Esseri umani e corpi celesti nel Cause et cure. I Quaderni Del m.æ.S. - Journal of Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium, 21, 139–155. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2533-2325/17557




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